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Proiectul "Şcoala Românească în Prerie"

The project "Romanian School in the Prairie"

Scoala romaneasca din Calgary este singura de acest fel din Vestul Canadei si se adreseaza unui grup de pana la 13.590 de etnici romani, rezidenti in Calgary, conform Calgary Census Metropolitan Area, 2016. Este o initiativa pornita din dorinta de a oferi copiilor romani de aici posibilitatea de a cunoaste si de a pastra identitatea nationala, limba, cultura si spiritualitatea romaneasca.

Coordonator proiect & instructor curs "Limba romana" - Veronica Chirnoaga.

The Romanian school in Calgary is the only one of its kind in Western Canada and addresses a group of up to 13,590 ethnic Romanians living in Calgary, according to the Calgary Census Metropolitan Area, 2016. It is an initiative based on the desire to provide Romanian children here the possibility to know and preserve the Romanian national identity, language, culture, and spirituality.

Project coordinator & instructor of the "Romanian language" course - Veronica Chirnoaga.

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